How to Write a Great About Page

What is an about page? A page is the one-sided side of a piece of paper, parchment, or other material. Its use spans from the creation of documents to a more specific communication of quantity. To make your content more readable, write it in an approachable and friendly way. If possible, include a photo or video. This will help your readers better understand who you are and what you do. Listed below are some tips for writing an about page.

Write in a way that makes your content and site feel accessible and friendly

If you want to increase your audience and SEO ranking, write in a way that makes your content and website feel friendly and accessible to users of all abilities. Many users are disabled, and an inaccessible site will hinder them from enjoying the content. Fortunately, accessibility isn’t as hard as it seems. Adding alternate text and plain language to your content can improve the user experience.

To get started, you can visit the W3C’s Writing for Web Accessibility page. To make your content and site more accessible to all users, focus on one or two areas, and assign responsibility to your team. Include accessibility tips in your styleguide, and schedule time for discussions with your team. Even just starting a conversation can be helpful. Listed below are a few of the most important steps to make your content and site accessible.

Use plain language. People with disabilities typically scan web pages without understanding every word. This makes complex language hard to read and difficult for some readers. Use simple, easy-to-understand words instead of jargon and slang, which can be confusing to readers. Make sure to explain acronyms and jargon whenever possible. This can make your content easier to understand for users with low literacy levels.

Write in a way that illustrates your value proposition

If you have a niche market, you should tailor your value proposition to your audience. Accounting firms may have a different value proposition than freelancers, sales teams, and Etsy sellers. Whatever your niche, you need to clearly explain what makes you different from your competition. And remember, your value proposition can change over time. That’s why it’s important to be flexible in your approach to determining the best value proposition for your website.

Once you’ve defined your target audience, you can develop a compelling value proposition. This should speak directly to the needs and wants of your audience. Include specific statistics and numbers where applicable. You might want to include your customer’s demographic data, interests, career, pain points, and challenges. And of course, don’t forget to use the language that your audience will understand. This way, they’ll be more inclined to trust your brand.

Include a photo

The About Page is a vital part of your website. It contains key information about your business and your offerings. Visitors use it to learn more about you. To make the most of your About Page, include strong, concise copy and compelling visuals. Here are some tips on how to include a photo on your about page. You can choose from the photos below. These photos will add personality to your About Page. Make sure to include a photo of yourself.

The About Page is a great place to show your team and your processes. Depending on your industry, your USP may be in your process. Including one photo will convey your message. If you want to include more than one photo, use two. A page with 15 photos is overwhelming. A gallery will let visitors scroll through the pictures to find the ones they like best. The simplest presentation has a greater impact.

Include a video

Including a video on your about page can be a great way to capture your visitors’ attention. This type of media is more digestible than a wall of text. A video can explain complicated services in less time than a wall of text. Whether you’re presenting a new product or explaining a complicated service, a video can help you capture their email addresses. Here are some ways to embed a video on your about page:

One of the most popular ways to use video is to feature it on the top of the page. A video with a sound-free background is best used at the top of your page. This will draw in visitors and highlight the product. Alternatively, you can place a supporting video further down the page, where it can speak to a specific subsection of the page. A good video can increase your conversion rate by 200% or more!

A video can also affect your site’s loading time. If you have a slow-loading video, visitors may not have the best experience. A more efficient method is to embed the video, which maintains the site’s speed without impacting the user experience. Video hosting services should provide complex analytics about the performance of the video, which you can easily track. Google Tag Manager can help you with this by including special tracking codes for videos. You can also measure the average duration of time people spend watching a video and the moment they stop.

If you’re using WordPress, you can easily edit the embed code for a video. You may need to paste the embed code manually if the video hosting platform doesn’t automatically generate it for you. Popular video hosting platforms, such as YouTube, Vimeo, and YouTube, offer users the option of copying and pasting the embed code. Once you’ve pasted the embed code, you’re ready to go!

Address objections

Whether you’re selling a product or service, it is vital to address potential objections. While you may not have consciously thought of objections in advance, you’ve likely already sensed them. By ignoring objections, you’re essentially ignoring potential customers. To overcome objections, be clear and truthful about your solutions and dispel their fears. Address objections on your about page in order to gain more customers.

In order to overcome objections to price, make sure to qualify your leads first. The easiest way to deal with this objection is to qualify the lead. Then, answer questions about the prospect’s time frame. If the person has limited time, they may hand you the “I don’t have time to talk to you right now” line. This will help you to avoid price objections entirely. If your prospects have a time constraint, wait until they’re ready to buy before they raise price objections.

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