Boost Your SEO by Republishing Your Blog Posts and Updating Them

If you’re looking to improve your search engine rankings, there are a few ways to boost your SEO. One way is to republish your blog posts and update them.

This will boost your organic traffic and bring new readers to your site. It’s a great way to build your backlink profile and increase your content quality.


Republishing a blog post is one of the best ways to get more exposure for your content. Whether it’s a top-performing blog post or an old one that hasn’t seen a lot of traffic, it can be a great way to increase your visibility and drive more leads to your business.

However, before you republish an article, you need to make sure that it is SEO-friendly. This can be done by following some simple steps.

First, check if the post has been indexed in Google and is still showing up on search results. If it’s not, you need to re-optimize it to bring it up to date. If you’re doing this, you should use a tool like Google Search Console to check for a number of SEO elements.

Another step is to research the keywords that the original article was written about. This can be done by using tools such as Google Keyword Planner to find out how many people are searching for those terms each month. This can help you plan out future posts that are relevant to your audience.

It’s also a good idea to use Google Analytics to see which posts brought the most traffic, conversions, and engagement. These insights can help you determine which posts to republish next.

Finally, you’ll want to republish the article on your website and update any internal links that point to it. This will increase the chances of search engines crawling and indexing the content correctly.

If you’re republishing the article on a new domain, it’s important to 301 redirect the old URL to the new one. This will ensure that the old content doesn’t get penalized by Google for duplicate content.

You’ll also want to check if the article has any keywords that you could add in to increase its SEO value. If it does, you can add those keywords in the title tags, meta description, and body text.

You can also republish an old article on social media sites, such as LinkedIn or Medium. But keep in mind that these platforms aren’t as valuable for generating referral traffic as your website is. In addition, Google will filter pages with duplicate content from their search results.


One of the best ways to get a search engine boost from your content is to repurpose it. By doing this, you are able to reach new audiences and generate more traffic from your website.

You can do this by turning an old blog post into a podcast, YouTube video or newsletter. You can also repurpose an ebook into a series of blog posts, social media posts or even an infographic.

Repurposing is a great way to save time, boost your SEO ranking and generate more revenue from your existing content. You can also use it to improve your brand awareness and grow your audience.

To make repurposing work for you, it is important to identify the right type of content that you can reuse and adapt into different formats. For example, if you have a blog post that is doing well on Google, consider turning it into an infographic or a video.

Another strategy is to look for evergreen content, which is information that will remain relevant long after the original post was written. This kind of content is usually on a topic that has a good search volume and genuine interest from your audience.

There are many places to find repurposed content, including Quora, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. By searching for relevant keywords, you can see what is working and what isn’t.

Depending on your goals and your strategy, you might have to repurpose several pieces of content. However, it is still best to only repurpose content that is highly-performing and will help you reach your overall business goals.

If you want to repurpose content for SEO purposes, it is essential that you follow the guidelines set by search engines. This will allow you to maintain the integrity of your original content and provide a higher level of quality to search engines.

You can also repurpose your blog post into an ebook, which will allow you to target more people and give them the information that they are looking for in an easy to digest format. This will ensure that they are not lost in a sea of information and will have a much higher chance of converting to a customer.

Updating content

Updating content is a common SEO strategy for website owners. It’s important to keep your website up-to-date with fresh content, and republishing old blog posts is one of the most effective ways to achieve this.

Updating older content is a great way to boost your SEO rankings and attract more organic traffic. In fact, republishing old articles can generate up to 75% more traffic than new content.

Updates to existing content can be as simple as changing the title or publication date. However, some updates may require a full rewrite. For this reason, you should always check whether the content is in good shape before republishing it.

In addition, you should recheck the page for keywords that have already been optimized. This will prevent you from accidentally de-optimizing the page, which can negatively impact your rankings.

Another important thing to keep in mind when updating content is the URL. Make sure that the URL is unique and matches the article’s title, as this will help with search engine optimization. You should also avoid including dates or numbers in the URL.

This will ensure that the Google bot can read your article and rank it properly. It will also increase the click-through rate of your blog post.

While republishing older blog posts, make sure to add internal links and share the article on your social media accounts. This will encourage your audience to visit your site and learn more about your brand.

Finally, you should update your old articles by using fresh images and multimedia. This will ensure that the content is up-to-date and relevant to your target audience.

The Helpful Content Update is a new Google algorithm update that is designed to help users find the most helpful content. It’s expected to have a wide-reaching impact on websites, and sites that publish content that doesn’t satisfy their users’ intent will see a drop in their search engine rankings.

Fortunately, you can avoid these problems by regularly updating your content. To find the best opportunities for this strategy, you should first review your existing blog posts to identify any that have lost a lot of traffic since they were published.

Blog updated

If you have an existing blog post that has been generating traffic to your site, you can update it for freshness. This will boost your SEO efforts and help you gain new visitors without having to write an entirely new piece of content.

One of the ways to do this is by replacing your existing images with high-quality, relevant ones that are directly linked to your blog post. Using high-quality images can improve your SEO by increasing the number of clicks, shares, and social media engagements you receive.

Another way to update your old blog posts is by rewriting them. This is a great opportunity to breathe new life into an older blog post, and it’s especially helpful for long-form content that doesn’t have much room for improvement.

When you rewrite an old blog post, be sure to incorporate the keywords that you want to rank for. This can be a great way to boost your SEO while still keeping the post relatively fresh for search engines, says Dallin Hatch of Womply.

You should also make sure that the content on your old blog post is still accurate and relevant. Google gives web pages a freshness score based on their inception date and the frequency at which they are updated.

In some niches, blogs that are more than a year old are deemed to be stale. Updating a blog post is the best way to keep it fresh for Google and your readers.

By rewriting an old blog post, you can change its title, permalink structure, and image to signal the updated version to search engines and your readers. When you rewrite an old blog post, you can also add links to related posts or other articles that are relevant to your current topic.

Whenever you update an old blog post, be sure to replace the original images with fresh ones. These will be displayed next to the post on search results and in featured snippets.

You can also create a roundup of your top posts from the past year and promote them widely, which will help in increasing the amount of traffic to your old blog posts. These posts are more likely to receive a lot of shares, interaction, and return great value to the reader.

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