How to Write a Sentence First

When writing a sentence, the main goal is to establish the subject, the action, or the feeling that you want to convey. To start out, you need to think about the main theme and essential point of the sentence. Then, consider how to express the theme in a way that captivates your reader. In addition, you must determine what type of sentence you want to write. Here are some ideas for creating an effective sentence. Continue reading to learn more.


A verb usually comes after a noun or a pronoun, which is called the subject of a sentence. For example, “Jack thought” is the subject of the verb “thought”. However, we can also use verbs to express a specific action, such as “Mark ate his dinner quickly,” to express what is happening. The auxiliary verb “am” is also acceptable. Using an auxiliary verb instead of a main verb makes more sense when the sentence’s first verb is a prepositional phrase.

The SPLT/DLT model accounts for this, as the length of a constituent is more likely to influence its attachment to a sentence. It has been shown that long constituents tend to be moved to the periphery in left-branching languages than in right-branching ones. Therefore, the results of this study point to a link between sentence length and attachment preference. However, a strong link between length and attachment preference exists between these two factors.


When a noun is not specific in its meaning, it doesn’t need to start with a capital letter, unless it is used as a subject of a sentence. Specific nouns, on the other hand, name particular things, people, or places. Specific nouns always begin with a capital letter, and sometimes they contain two or more important words. These words are grouped together as compound nouns.


An adjective is a word that describes the noun. It is not the same as an adverb, which is an adjective describing a verb. Adjectives are used to answer questions about the noun, such as how old it is, or when it was made. These words may be capitalized or not, depending on the context. The first word in an adjective sentence is usually the noun, followed by an adverb.

The second word in an adjective sentence is a participle. A participle comes from a verb and functions as a describing word. Nouns precede adjectives, and collectives refer to a group sharing a common characteristic. For example, the term “old” is a collective, referring to a group of people. Adjectives without the distinctive ‘ly’ on the end are flat adverbs.


Some adverbs are positioned at the beginning of a sentence, while others appear at the end. Generally, they are italicized to make them easily identifiable. The order in which adverbs appear isn’t strictly enforced by law. However, if you’re unsure of the placement of an adverb, here’s a few rules you can follow to make sure it reads properly.

– In the first sentence, adverbs don’t require commas. If they’re short, however, you don’t need to use commas. And be careful with adverbs ending in “-ly” – these words often become redundant with a better word choice. Generally, an adverb should be close to the thing it modifies, and far from its object. Adverbs can also modify adjectives and other adverbs.

Adverbial phrase

One common punctuation error makes adverbs begin sentences, thereby conflating the subject and object. Let’s look at three examples to illustrate the problem, as well as how to correct it. Hopefully, the examples below will help you avoid this mistake in your writing. The first example uses the adverb “beloved,” whereas the second example uses “heard.”

For example, an adverbial phrase can describe time, place, manner, and reason, but it does not contain a verb. An example of an adverbial phrase might be “at around 7:30 PM.” This adverbial phrase makes it unclear when the sun sets. Another example is “at the top of the hill” in a sentence describing the location of wind turbines. A figure skater’s leaps can be described with an adverbial phrase, “in a beautiful arc.”

Subordinate clause

The first thing you need to understand about subordinate clauses is where they belong. They may be at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a sentence. They have a subject and a verb, but they do not make up a complete sentence. The subordinating conjunction, for example, joins these two clauses. You can use this structure to show a relationship between two things. If you are introducing a subordinate clause into a sentence, you should separate the two clauses with commas.

Another common mistake made when writing a subordinate clause is placing it in the first position. The main clause must come first. Subordinate clauses cannot stand alone as a sentence. In addition, the word group containing the subordinate clause must come after the main clause. Attempting to write an entire sentence out of a subordinate clause is a major mistake. The examples below illustrate why you should always put the main clause first.

Independent clause

An independent clause is the part of a sentence that does not depend on another. It can stand alone, expressing the entire thought. Independent clauses often appear in complex sentences and compound sentences. They differ in structure and function. They can be used to express specific thoughts, but they do not require a complete thought. The subject of an independent clause can be a noun or a verb phrase. However, a simple subject does not have any modifiers.

When a dependent clause is included in a sentence, it must be preceded by a marker word. Some common markers are after, while, even, while, before, or although. Sometimes, a connector word, such as although, before, or while, is used in place of a marker word. A dependent clause contains a subordinating conjunction. Depending on how the dependent clause is structured, the sentence should include both independent and subordinating clauses.

Compound-Complex sentence

A Compound-Complex sentence must contain at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause. Subordinating conjunctions are intrinsically linked to dependent clauses and act as modifiers for sentences. They can change an independent clause into a dependent one or connect two independent clauses. Here are some examples of compound-complex sentences. Read on to find out how to make your sentences sound better. You can also learn how to use subordinating conjunctions to make your sentences stronger.

To write a Compound-Complex sentence, you need to learn to recognize when the independent clauses are connected by conjunctions. These conjunctions are most often used in compound-complex sentences. For example, in the sentence “Jennifer sat in her dark red recliner and read for hours.”

Regular verbs

There are thousands of regular verbs in English. Most have a past participle, which is used to create the past perfect tense. Learn which regular verbs belong in the first position in a sentence. Those words are often confused with irregular verbs, which are much easier to learn. In this article, I will briefly explain the difference between regular and irregular verbs. You may also be interested in learning about the different tenses of regular verbs.

While regular verbs belong in the first position in the sentence, irregular verbs must be positioned last. This is because the irregular verbs may have different endings. For example, in the past simple, a verb can mean either “lay,” “paid,” or “paid.”

Linking verb

A linking verb is a word that links two other sentences together. In the first sentence, the linking verb is “look,” which links the subject, “they,” and the complement, the “friends.” The linker completes the meaning of the sentence by describing a certain state. A sentence using a linking verb first is an example of a transitional phrase. It’s a good practice to keep in mind when writing this type of sentence.

A linking verb describes how the subject feels, acts, or is described. It is often used to link to an identifier or descriptor, such as “feels” or “seems.” A few other examples include the verb “seems” and the adjective “feels.”

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